Rules & Regulations


Client agrees to conduct Event in an orderly and respectable manner in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the following LEEC rules:

Alcohol Consumption

LEEC reserves the right to refuse to serve any guest of Client who appears to be intoxicated, who does not have proper identification to prove that they are of legal drinking age, or whose behavior is deemed to be disruptive to the flow of LEEC’s operations. LEEC’s service of alcohol is conducted in accordance with applicable beverage laws and regulations.

Alcohol Outside Of Event Venue/Suites

Client or Client’s guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees are not allowed to walk around outside of the Event Venue or private suites with alcoholic beverages during business hours (Monday – Friday 8 am – 5pm)


Client or Client’s guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees must be dressed appropriately for the Event or their role in it and must wear shoes and shirts while on the Premises.


All minor children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.


Client or Client’s guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees may not climb or stand on tables, chairs, equipment, or other similar objects. A FEE EQUAL TO THE DAMAGES INCURRED WILL BE CHARGED TO THE CREDIT CARD ON FILE.


Client is responsible for all set-up, breakdown, and removal of LEEC-approved decorations. LEEC will not provide ladders for decorating. No hanging décor is allowed unless it has been pre-approved by LEEC Director of Operations or LEEC Executive Team member and installed by a licensed company, securely placed, and removed immediately after conclusion of Event. All decorations must be hung without defacing the building. Any damage resulting from the set-up, breakdown, or removal of LEEC-approved decorations, or from the decorations themselves, may result in damage fees. A FEE EQUAL TO THE DAMAGES INCURRED WILL BE CHARGED TO THE CREDIT CARD ON FILE.

Prohibited decorations include, but are not limited to, permanent fixtures, glitter, bubbles, rice, real flower petals, helium balloons, silly string, paint, nails, tacks, glue, tape, etc. Candles must be placed on top of tables. Candles on the floor are not permitted, including floating vases on the floor. Candles must be contained in a manner that wax will not melt onto linens or tables. Sparklers are only allowed outside of the building. Confetti is only permitted with a clean up fee ($350)

Digital Services

All Client-provided digital content must be formatted to meet LEEC’s standards prior to Event. Client agrees to work with LEEC’s Account Executive to determine compatibility with LEEC’s systems. LEEC is not responsible for adjusting the original content dualist. Client must send customized photos to LEEC at least twenty one (21) days before Event. This includes, but is not limited to, photo/video resolution and spelling/grammatical errors. Proofreading content is solely the responsibly of Client.

Drop-Off And Loading Times

Loading times vary depending on LEEC availability and will be established on an event-by-event basis in coordination with LEEC staff. Client and/or Client’s vendors, guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees must drop off and load during their allotted time frame, or Client will be subject to a fee of $150/hour.

Leftover Food

Any food and/or beverages purchased in conjunction with Event must be consumed at Event Venue only. Under no circumstances are Client or Client’s guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees allowed to take leftover LEEC-prepared food off the Premises.


Client acknowledges that the Premises includes traditional office tenants, and agrees to maintain appropriate noise levels, particularly between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. LEEC management reserves the right to control the volume of Event.

Outside Alcoholic Beverages

In accordance with state regulations, neither Client nor Client’s guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees may bring outside alcoholic beverages onto the Premises (including into private suites). IF CLIENT OR CLIENT’S INVITEES BRING NON-LEEC-PROVIDED ALCOHOL ON THE PREMISES, ALCOHOL WILL BE CONFISCATED AND CLIENT WILL BE CHARGED A $500 FINE (PER VIOLATION).

Outside food And Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Neither Client nor Clients’ guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees may bring any food or non-alcoholic beverages from outside sources onto the Premises.

Outside Vendors

Client’s vendors will have access to the Premises at the events designated start time, unless otherwise agreed upon by LEEC and Client. Client’s vendors must vacate the Premises no later than one (1) hour after the conclusion of Event. Deliveries and pick-ups made outside of these designated times will result in additional fees being charged to Client. Deliveries and pick-ups must be arranged with the LEEC staff. Client’s vendors must supply their own carts, extension cords, and any other equipment needed. LEEC is not responsible for Client’s vendors’ equipment left on the Premises. LEEC is not responsible for any injuries that occur in connection with Client’s or Client’s vendors’ equipment. Client agrees to provide its LEEC Event Manager with vendor contact information no later than fourteen (21) days before Event.


LEEC is accessible on the 3rd floor of the Midtown Parking Ramp (“Ramp”). Ramp is owned and operated by an unaffiliated third party. Rates and policies are set by the Ramp owner, not by LEEC. Parking rates are subject to change, and availability is not guaranteed. Limited quantities of prepaid parking validations might be available for purchase by Client through LEEC. Up to fifty (50) paid for unused prepaid parking validations returned by Client to LEEC on the day of the Event, will be refunded to Client within ten business days of Event.

Personal Property

LEEC is not responsible for any lost or stolen gifts, cards, personal items or equipment of Client or Client’s guests, employees, agents, contractors, or invitees. Any of Client’s items left behind, found by LEEC, and not retrieved within five (5) business days of Event will be discarded or donated.


LEEC, its contractors, agents and employees have the right to take photographs of Client and Client’s guests, employees, contractors, agents, and invitees, and Event Venue in connection with Event. LEEC, its assigns and transferees are authorized to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. LEEC may use such photographs of Client and Client’s guests, employees, contractors, agents, and invitees with or without their name for any lawful purpose, including for publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.

This authorization extends to photographs and video recordings provided to LEEC by photographers or videographers engaged by either the Client or LEEC, provided such content is supplied to LEEC with appropriate permissions for use.

Security/Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras are used throughout the LEEC Premises.


Any personal or decor items brought in by Client are the sole responsibility of Client (e.g., centerpiece arrangements, place cards, Client book, etc.) LEEC is not responsible for set-up, arranging or tear-down of any items brought in by Client/vendors. All items (decor, personal items, gifts, etc.) must be removed immediately following Event. If Client’s items are not removed one (1) hour after Event, a later, pre-arranged pick-up can be scheduled at the discretion of LEEC for an additional fee of $150/hour. Client is allowed one (1) hour of complimentary time for decor drop-off. Any additional hours will automatically be charged at a rate of $150/hour.

Smoke-Free Facility

LEEC operates a smoke-free facility. Absolutely no smoking of any kind, including e-cigarettes and similar devices, is allowed on the Premises. IF CLIENT OR INVITEES OF CLIENT ARE CAUGHT SMOKING (INCLUDING E-CIGARETTES OR SIMILAR DEVICES), CLIENT WILL BE CHAGRED $500 TO THE CARD ON FILE.

Start/End Times

Event shall begin promptly at the time stated in this Agreement, and the Event Venue shall be vacated at the indicated end time. Time extensions are subject to availability and only offered at LEEC’s sole discretion.

Underage Drinking

Clients card on file will be charged $500 fine if ANY underage guest, employee, agent, contractor or invitee of Client is caught drinking on the Premises. If any underage guest of Client appears to be under the influence of alcohol upon arrival at the Venue, they will not be admitted. If they are caught drinking on the Premises, they will be asked to leave. If more than one underage guest of Client is caught drinking, LEEC reserves the right to ask everyone under 21 to leave the Premises. All purses and bags are subject to inspection. Fake IDs will be confiscated and those presenting them will not be permitted entrance. All underage guests of Client need to leave bar areas by 10:00 pm.